
They Say, I Say” 

While reading this part of the book it started off a little different than I thought it used a part that I really understood it made me think of an activity I am good at and reflect on that and the things I see as an everyday thing and do so easily others may think that it is so complicated. That’s another way of thinking of writing to authors writing is easy they have done it so many times but to others that are still learning may think some of these things are complicated. I also realized how important and helpful templates really are. I really liked the templates for disagreeing without being disagreeable. It shows that there are occasions when strong critique is needed but we also need to listen and understand the views we are criticizing.
The other part of this section that really stood out to me, was the part “Why are you telling me this?” I never really thought about this part I struggled telling the audience why I was adding something to my writing I understood why but never thought of them not understanding why I was. Also, when I am stating my own ideas I need to also use those as a response to others. Using “They say___; I say___ formula. When trying to engage others it is a good way when provoking others, and making arguments.
This book is a way for you to become a better writer and give you the deeper level of things. It makes you think more critical, intellectual thinker.