
 Grace Tutt

Journal 19

They Say I Say this part of the book talks about criticism of writing. Ours and others, when getting criticism on our writing we sometimes tend to shy away from it and take it to heart and then it upsets us. But in reality it has some advantages to our writing, it improves our writing it is good to not only reread over your writing but when you listen to someone else go over your essay and give you the criticism you need to improve to get it to your best work. It doesn’t mean your work isn’t good it just means you need to improve some of the parts in your work. I like the part where they state it isn’t undermining your work it’s just improving it, this needs to be a more important statement I know I like taking in the criticism on my writing I know I’m not a perfect writer if I was I’d be an author but I do sometimes feel when there are a lot of thoughts on my writing It can sometimes frustrate me because I wish I was better at writing but I feel as if it needs to be more said that they aren’t undermining your ideas they just want to make them stronger. I like the templates of entering objectives, I never really knew how to show the reader the other side of someone else’s opinion and how they may go against mine, and that it is okay if that person is faceless or nameless.