
Grace Tutt

Journal #17

    In this article Animas Like Us it interests me so much, it talks about the true meaning of having an animal and the emotional connections you make with the animals.On page 1 paragraph 1 and 2, it gives the stance of how Judith Black and how she changed as she grew up. She started up when she was 12  she had a very strong stance on how it was wrong to kill animals and how she saw dogs,cats, cows and pigs were animals and then she saw fish as not. Than for the next 15 years she thought of herself as a vegetarian yes still enjoyed eating fish. But, for reading this she then met a man who thought differently than her, he tried to change her opinion on this and he soon did. His main reason was both birds and fish are vertebrates and they have brains and lead social lives. What’s different than from animals to humans? On page 2 starting at the fourth paragraph it truly starts to talk about the emotions and how they can sometimes be complicated. The example they use are when Carolyn fell for the relationship with a manatee, she had applied for a job at a natural history museum. For two decades she revolved her world around this manatee this relationship was built with her job seeing each other everyday and than having feeding time where food is given and that is something positive the two share together. This fact is very important because it shows how animals have feelings and they can start to have a relationship with humans even if we aren’t the exact same. Lastly, on page 3 paragraph 2 they started to talk about how snakes and kittens are. They said how we look at snakes as gross and scary animals but than we love on kittens but in reality kittens are doing more damage because they kill more mice and that is more meat. They then made the connection of having a predator for a pet, and that made me think about how that is true and how we live our lives with having some of the crazy pets we do have.