
“Out of the Kitchen, Onto the Couch” was a very interesting article to me.  There were a few parts that really stood out to me. On page 3, paragraph 1 and continued into paragraph 2 Pollan talks about how cooking has changed for women, and the legacy of Julia Child. You can now turn on the tv and there are 3 to 4 channels just made for food shows, and before you just had a cookbook where you would find recipes and recreate them through those.  There has been such an uproar with tv shows on food. Pollan says “ The popularity of cooking shows- or perhaps I should say food shows.” Food shows have grown tremendously, from starting at a cookbook to now all you see is food competitions on tv. I have to agree with this point, people now watch these shows on their free time they don’t actually take the time to make the meals for themselves. 

On page 4 paragraph 2, the whole paragraph is about how much time is spent truly preparing meals for an American, and the amount is about 27 minutes per day of food preparation and another 5 minutes or so cleaning up. I couldn’t agree with this point more even though it is shocking and kind of a sad point. I know when my family and I have had a busy day we just order sandwiches or a pizza from a local market, it is just easier than going to the store and making a meal when we are all tired. All we do is wake up go to work maybe grab breakfast on the go, and then we get lunch out or if we prepared it the night before, and come home and either make a quick dinner for the family or order out. It is pointing out that Americans spend more time watching food shows than they are preparing their own meals. 

My last point is on page 5 paragraph 3, all of this paragraph wraps back around about how so many people just watch these shows but don’t actually make the meals. But there is also a part in this paragraph where it talks about some of the cooking shows and the hosts, a lot of these females that still have a cooking show that actually show you how to make a dish is aimed towards mothers who need quick meal ideas and how to set up meals for the week, yes again they are making the dish but it is still being rushed or aimed to be a quick meal to make. I agree with how these shows are aimed to be towards mothers who need to make quicker meals for the kids and they are aimed to make the mother look good if that is the type of food they are serving.